February POA Board Meeting
Saturday February 15th, 2025
10:30 am
St Johns, Public Library
Community Room
35 South 3rd West
St. Johns, AZ 85936
Remote Access via Zoom
Email the board with your 8-digit parcel number and name to receive the Zoom credentials
Financial Update
Road Report
Well Status
Open Q&A
Email: wvrboard@woodlandvalleyranchaz.com
911 Signs
The St Johns Fire Dept has told the POA that the single most important thing we can do to help them help us is to have our owners acquire 911 signs and install these signs at the end of our driveways.
The first responders who take care of Woodland Valley Ranch include St Johns FD, EMS and Apache County Sheriff. They rely on the list of 911 addresses and N Number road maps to find us. They do not use Woodland Valley Ranch Road Names.
As an owner out here you can help yourself by doing two things.
1. Request a 911 address from the Apache County Engineering Dept.
To do this complete the form found at
and submit it to the Apache County Engineering Dept in St Johns
Office Hours:
6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Monday through Thursday, closed Friday
Apache County Annex Building
75 West Cleveland Street
PO Box 238
St. Johns, AZ 85936
2. Complete the 911 sign request form
Email: wvrboard@woodlandvalleyranchaz.com
The POA has a new Board of Directors elected last Saturday, June 22, 2024.
As we begin our work to understand the vast complexity of managing our ranch properly we ask for your patience
We are open to questions and communications sent via email to wvrboard@woodlandvalleyranchaz.com
We are establishing our internal communications to provided timely and effective service to you, our membership.
We will review our website, our Facebook pages, our finances, the roads, and the well to build upon the work done by our predecessors and look for any additional efficiencies.
One area you, as owners can help is by making sure you have created an account on the Sentry system as outlined below.
This is a key step to assure that you receive and can access WVR POA information.
Thank you in advance.
Each WVR Owner should be receiving this week a letter of introduction from Sentry Management.
Please read these letters carefully and if you have any questions their contact
information is listed in the letter or you can use the following:
Phoenix, AZ 85040
WVR Well Information
Well Keys:
Keys may be obtained in person, please contact the WVR POA Board at wvrboard@woodlandvalleyranchaz.com to arrange for a key.
Any member currently delinquent in their POA dues, will need to resolve the delinquency with the POA prior to issuing a well key.
What you need to know about the well hose.
Woodland Valley Ranch “convenience” well facts
2.75gpm @ 325” and an average of 5.5hrs of sunlight year round in solar zone 2. On a good 8hr day of sunlight in the summer we are only pumping around 1320 gallons of water. At 275 gallons per parcel owner/per week supports around 33 owners.
Woodland Valley Ranch was originally Unit 1 with approximately 280 parcels. It is now Units 1 - 9 and over 1100 parcels. There is no amount of math where this 1 well and 10,000-gallon cistern will support all of the full time and part time owners who are entitled to use the well. The Property Owners Association Board of Directors is responsible for maintain the well in proper operating condition. This means that if there is a well issue, we will try and correct it as quick as our time and ability allows. If there is a problem that occurs where we as volunteers do not currently have the time or ability to resolve the issue, we will have to secure well operations until it can be corrected and resolved properly. Such was the case the week of June 8th-16th, 2021 when we had an unacceptable water test. There is no obligation to provide the well and water as a “life sustaining” resource. Water in the high desert is life sustaining and that is beyond the scope of the WVR POA.
To that end, I highly suggest that all owners consider using water hauled from town, water delivery, water catchment systems (if it ever rains), storing excess water, or look at the option of having a well dug. Any one of these suggestions may not be viable to you, but a mix of them certainly should be on the table for water as a life sustaining resource. I realize that in many instances the sale of WVR property was predicated on the “convenience” well availability, it is available, it just isn’t going to meet the needs of all the folks who purchased and own property here as a primary or sole source of water.
The well cistern target is an inverse target. It is on the south facing side of the cistern and the higher it is, the lower the amount of water in the cistern. If the water is too low and you have a tote on a tall trailer or in the back of a truck, the flow will be slow to non-existent if the water level is below the height of the opening you are trying to put it in. Gravity is settled science. Do not try to fix the valve or in any way change or adjust the valve or hose connection to get a better or faster flow. You’ll just have to find water another way or wait.
In the winter if we have a crazy freeze/thaw cycle it will be tough to get to the well. If the valve has frozen, and it does occasionally, it won’t thaw till the afternoon and the roads can be hazardous by then. I suggest you drive to town at night when the roads are frozen, which of course means the valve may also be frozen so going to town is the better option.
These suggestions were built on the knowledge base of people who have been here on WVR for some time. The suggestions are not a dictate being handed down by the WVR POA Board, but the actual facts and math of what the well can produce and sustain are immutable.
There is information on the sign board at the well on how to contact board members who can work to resolve well issues. Or you can email us at wvrboard@woodlandvalleyranchaz.com.
Well Keys
Keys may be obtained in person. Please contact the WVR POA Board member to arrange having a key issued.
Contact: wvrboard@woodlandvalleyranchaz.com
Any member currently delinquent in their POA dues, will have to resolve the delinquency with the POA Board prior to having a Well key issued.
What you need to know about the well hose.
When traveling throughout the ranch, remember to leave all gates in the position you find them. It is critical to keep closed gates closed after you pass through them and if you find gates open, leave them open.