2021 WVR Well Test Reports: This year there are two test results because the first testidentified total coliform (bacteria), but was negative for E Coli/Fecal. The second test, after shocking the well, showed no bacteria.
WVR Ranch MapThis is an updated map that will be enhanced based on your feedback over time. It is a downloadable, scalable map that you can use on your smart phone even when you have no service. Sean Duff put much effort into creating this map for us, Thank you Sean!
WVR POA mailing address: PO Box 2487, St Johns, AZ 85936 Use this address for sending mail to the POA Board and to return annual voting ballots. DO NOT send POA dues payments here!
POA Dues payments should be mailed to:
Woodland Valley Ranch POA
3. WVR Social Media, Groups, Guides and Maps Please independently verify information read on social media. The WVR POA Board is consciously limiting responses and comments on social media as our focus is on the work that needs to be accomplished on our ranch. If you have any questions for the WVR POA Board please email us at wvrboard@woodlandvalleyranchaz.com and we will do our best to respond in a timely manner.
WVR POA Road Signs Committee Working Map We completed the second survey of all of the intersections on WVR. The road signs were purchased and installed in 2020. Apache County was unable to provide the N number signs at that time, but has installed some N number signs at selected intersections on the ranch. Now in 2024 the road signs issue is being considered again. Given the available time and money a new survey could be conducted.